Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Time, lines for you

 Time, you were plenty in childhood.

I could close my fist and have you in it,

Forever for me, forever under my control!

Time, you were in your high spirits

In my youth, I could carry you on my shoulders, 

And you will run with me

As a friend, always beside me!

Time, in my middle age,

Overworked, overburdened, I plead

With you to take me with you,

Yet you elude, evade and run

Ahead of me, I cannot keep pace.

In my old age, Time, will you sit with me

And have a cup of coffee?

We will talk our hearts out,

Blame each other, and love each other,

Like old mates...

You will hold my hand and take me on a ride

Through faded, half- forgotten alleys.

We will laugh, we will cry...together!

Time, I will have you then forever...

Forever as mine!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sometime in the past...

 The soft touch of the grass drenched in dew

The liquid touch of raindrops on the face

The hard solidarity of the rock

On which one stands to view the waves.....

I saw them all.

I felt them all.


Sometime in the past.

The Google Photos may know-

I can't recall.

The day I stood on the beach,

And seemed to get sunken in the sand,

As the waters receded, caressing my feet-

The day I stood on the top of a hill,

And embraced an entire town

With my open arms....


Sometime in the past.

Facebook knows it, the Memory

Popped up the other day...!

I can't recall.

The idle ramblings of a tired mind-

The floating images in front of eyes-

When was the last time I felt alive?

When was the last time I slept

Without the hurry of waking up?

Was it sometime in the past?

Was it sometime the other day?

Does Google know it?

Does Facebook show it?

No, I guess so.

But there used to be such a time

In the a dream.. in some trance...

The moments flickered, lost!

Impossible to retrieve!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

I exist!!

 Cups of black coffee

Bouts of puking

Loads of paper

A mute large screen

Lack of sleep

A vein throbs in the head

I give up 

I quit

Every night.

The alarm goes

A morning comes

New hope, new beginning

Again a cup of black coffee

I give in

I fight

I struggle

I exist

