Monday, November 24, 2008

LIFE, a poem

The Past hovers over the Present
And makes you aware of some unpleasant gnomes
Existing in your self……………you can’t do away with them.
They sleep in your mind, feed in your memories,
And drink in your soul-
Till you have no means to protect yourself,
Or protest…….
Feeling vanquished you feel completely choked…….

Then suddenly you see the LIGHT
Your thoughts soar higher,
You catch a glimpse of hope……
And Life begins ……….. once again……..!!


bluelotus said...

It was dark, sometimes grey,
It was full of thorns astray.
Yet i hoped
On a sunshine day
Of moonbeams rippling with rainy sway
Of unfelt joys
And of unsaid tears
And of a beating heart
With thousand cares.
To me hope mattered
But it battered me, too.
Hope showed me a path
And it shattered it too.
Yet with all my life
I love Hope
To keep me dreaming
and living...

the quest said...

thanks for your wonderful lines bluelotus. i really appreciate it.